Project List Current -
Nestle Mexico Net Zero Dairy and Farming Plan.
Nestle Mexico (A subsidiary of Nestle, Switzerland). Country of Mexico.
November 2020 to June 2023. Contracted to develop a program for Nestle Mexico to analyze five dairy farms. One farm to be in each of the five Mexican dairy production zones. 16,050 milking cows and 3,350 hectares of farmed ground and 450 hectares of pastures were analyzed.
A program was developed for, and accepted by, Nestle after approximately twelve months of development. Analysis of each dairy farming business took place beginning in December of 2021. Areas of agronomy, dairy production, irrigation, water usage and animal nutrition were studied. A team was formed consisting of Anna Naranjo and Dr. Ermias Kebreab from UC Davis, Dr. Calvin Willis-Ruminant Nutritionist, Wayne Downey-IRZ Irrigation, David Densley-Agronomist, James Allen-Pasture Specialist and Dwight Zimmerman. Life cycle assessment reporting was conducted in line with ISO 14040 and 14044 standards, as well as, the Livestock Environmental Assessment Partnership (LEAP) guidelines by the United Nations FAO. Additionally, the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) recommendations for reporting global warming potentials were used based on Assessment Report 6 (2021).
Results for the dairy farms have been presented with associated emissions and recommendations for emissions reductions. Mitigation strategies have been quantified and implementation is ongoing. Management recommendations for all aspects of the businesses were presented to owners in an effort to increase productivity, thereby reducing kg CO2e / kg Fat Protein Corrected Milk (FPCM).
AIDCO LLC. 10 Year Pro-Forma Dairy Business Financial Analysis.
Zahleh, Lebanon.
Contracted to develop 10 year pro-forma financial model to be used in determining dairy business viability and to be further used as working model after dairy operation. Developed a specific inflation index for use with dairy purchasing system due to the current high-inflation environment in Lebanon. Model included animal inventory modelling and all decision making parameters of dairy operation.
Sama Jordan Dairy. New Mega-Dairy Expansion Project. Green Field Dairy Design.
Salem Village Main Road, Sahab-Amman Jordan.
Contracted to provide consulting and engineered designs for a new green field dairy facility. This facility is to milk 2600 cows and house over 5000 replacement heifers from both old and new dairy facilities. A significant amount of background work was necessary in order to develop a plan for this expansion, including monitoring incoming electrical power for variances which would affect dairy equipment.
Baladna Farms. Baladna Dairy #1. Green Field Dairy Design.
Al Khor, Qatar.
Contracted to provide designs for a green field 3000 cow dairy near Doha. Plans were completed under significant time pressure to begin milking due to the Saudi embargo. The Dairymen of California completed plans per schedule which included an integrated cow cooling system of proprietary design. Currently the dairy milks 3000 cows daily on a 100 stall Dairymaster rotary.
Del Monte Ethiopia/FB Green Lebanon – Joint Venture. Green Field Dairy Design.
Del Monte - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. FB Green - Beirut, Lebanon.
Worked with FB Green and Del Monte staff to develop a plan for a large-scale dairy operation for a proposed site near Debre Birhan, Ethiopia. Several site plans were developed and evaluated in all aspects. Financial analysis was provided by FB Green staff to determine the pros and cons of each proposal. After extensive analysis for a period of one year it was determined by Del Monte that the project would not be in their best interests due to promised Ethiopian Government support not materializing.
Liaoning Huishan Dairy Group Co., Ltd. Multiple Green Field Dairies, Executive Management 54,000 Milking.
Shenyang, China.
We worked with the in-house engineering team and the local design institute to develop plans for Chinese construction. We also worked with construction teams to ensure plan compliance. Completed 43 dairy facility designs and 2 heifer facility designs. These plans include the deng shi pu dairy in the faku region of Shenyang which began milking in March of 2015 and is projected to milk 5400 Holstein and Jersey cows. (deng shi pu dairy is shown in photos above). Unique to this dairy is that the rotaries are of two different sizes to handle the different breeds.
We made operational improvements to existing dairies in all management aspects over a period of three years. We have conducted extensive training programs on many of the 54 dairy farms for dairy personnel and managers.
Olam Shanghai, Limited. Chinese Dairy Production Business Unit Start Up.
Shanghai, China.
A country subsidiary of Olam International, a Singapore listed multi-national agri-business. Completed 74 different comparison financial models for various locations, climate zones, types of dairies, and feedstuffs farming in China. Performed extensive site and market research throughout eastern and northern China. Part of our role was to negotiate with various government levels for scarce land and water resources. Dwight Zimmerman was under contract with Olam in Shanghai for nearly two years. A business plan for northern China was accepted by the Olam Country Head and Olam Product Head in Singapore. Due to company-wide issues with stock valuation and expansion, Olam decided not to pursue the dairy production business in China.
Ukrprominvest Agro. Green Field Dairy Design.
Kyiv, Ukraine.
We designed Novofastovske Dairy in the Lipetsk area of the Ukraine. This high technology dairy houses 5200 head and incorporates Cross Ventilated Negative Pressure designs and integrated replacement heifer raising. Confinement areas for incoming heifers are integral to the design.
Alfaco Trade Co. Agricultural Composting Facility Design, Management, Economic Analysis.
Sal., Zahleh, Lebanon.
We donated time to a ACDI/VOCA, US Aid sponsored project to assist farmers in Lebanon with design and startup of an agricultural composting facility.
Rockview Farms, Pond Heifer Ranch, Wasco, California.
We were contracted to solve operational issues related to logistics, billing, and office management for a facility which feeds 8500 replacement heifers and farms ~4,000 acres of alfalfa, corn and sordan.
Rockview Farms, SD Farms II. Ontario, California. We started a 1080 head milking facility which was purchased by Rockview Farms. Intensive renovations to all facilities and the milking barn were done. DairyCOMP305 and FeedWatch were set up as the primary dairy information systems.
MCC Dairies/Prairie Ridge Management. Veblen, South Dakota. We designed the Shortfoot calf ranch expansion. For this design calves were housed in negatively pressurized green house structures in order to allow management to continue during the harsh winters. An all-in, all-out system of calf management was utilized.
MCC Dairies/Prairie Ridge Management. Veblen, South Dakota. We designed the Veblen East Dairy Transitional Milking Facility. This is the largest dairy that has ever been built in the Upper Midwest, permitted for 10,000 animal units. This facility houses dry cows and freshens cows for later transport to one of the company's many commercial dairy farms.
Russian Farms, Stavropol Oblast, Russia. Moscow, Russian Federation. We designed the Agri-Firma Selo Verisholova Dairy facility in the Stavropol Oblast of the Russian Federation.
Russian Farms, Belgorod, Russia. We designed the Belgorod Dairy #1 in the Belgorod Oblast of the Russian Federation.
Advanced Dairy Systems, L.L.C., Phoenix, Arizona. We designed cooling systems for dairies in California, Arizona, Texas, Kansas, and Puerto Rico.
Rockview Farms, Ponderosa Dairies, Amargosa Valley, Nevada. We designed Ponderosa Dairies Barn III.
Rockview Farms, Frontier Dairy, Syracuse, Kansas. We started a 5000 Head Free-Stall facility which had been dormant for some time.
Rockview Farms, TCK Dairy, Buckeye, Arizona. We renovated a 35 year old dairy farm and brought it into compliance with Grade-A milk regulations.
Rockview Farms, Ponderosa Dairies, Amargosa Valley, Nevada. We designed an addition to the Barn Two milking barn for organic and conventional milking herds.
Dairy Design, Construction and Management :
The Dairymen of California
Dairy Design Dairy Construction Dairy Management